I am having problems using an IPV6 address

Albert Ozilov alberto at mellanox.co.il
Mon Jan 21 15:51:53 UTC 2008


I am using polygraph version 2.8.1, and I am having problems using an IPV6 address with the simple.pg workload, does anyone have a clue?

Here is the error lines from the server:

gadgets.cc:282: (s0) Success
gadgets.cc:282: (s0) Success
000.00| FDs: 1024 out of 1024 FDs can be used; safeguard limit: 983 000.00| resource usage:
        CPU Usage: 8msec sys + 348msec user = 356msec
        Page faults with physical i/o: 0

000.00| group-id: 1133687c.22106c7c:00000004 pid: 27772 000.00| current time: 1200927434.364076 or Mon, 21 Jan 2008 14:57:14 GMT 000.00| fyi: PGL configuration stored (383bytes) 000.00| fyi: no bench selected with use(); will not attempt to create agent addresses
Server.cc:97: (s22) Invalid argument
error: the server `S101' cannot listen on [fe80::202:c902:21:4cb9]:80; (s22) Invalid argument 
000.00| got 0 xactions and 0 errors 
000.00| shutdown reason: fatal error

Best Regards, 

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