I am having problems using an IPV6 address

Albert Ozilov alberto at mellanox.co.il
Wed Jan 23 09:15:40 UTC 2008

Hi Rick,

Thanks you're trying to help here.
I am using Linux SLES10, 
You are right about the address syntax I tried ping6
fe80::202:c902:21:4cb%eth0  and it works fine (as you can see below),
however polysrv fails to run when I use this address syntax, it fail on
the parsing.

Here is the output of ping6:
Linux:~ # ping6 fe80::219:b9ff:fee2:1f89%eth1 PING
fe80::219:b9ff:fee2:1f89(fe80::219:b9ff:fee2:1f89) from
fe80::219:b9ff:fee2:1f89 eth1: 56 data bytes
64 bytes from fe80::219:b9ff:fee2:1f89: icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=0.032 ms
64 bytes from fe80::219:b9ff:fee2:1f89: icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=0.009 ms
64 bytes from fe80::219:b9ff:fee2:1f89: icmp_seq=3 ttl=64 time=0.007 ms
64 bytes from fe80::219:b9ff:fee2:1f89: icmp_seq=4 ttl=64 time=0.008 ms
--- fe80::219:b9ff:fee2:1f89 ping statistics ---
4 packets transmitted, 4 received, 0% packet loss, time 3000ms rtt
min/avg/max/mdev = 0.007/0.014/0.032/0.010 ms

This is the line I put into the conf file (Server S):
addresses = ['[fe80::219:b9ff:fee2:1f89%eth1]:80' ]; // where these
robot agents will be created

Here is the output when I try to run polysrv:

sw224:~ # /usr/local/polygraph/bin/polysrv --config
/usr/local/polygraph/114-115-800conn.conf --verb_lvl 10
gadgets.cc:282: (s0) Success
gadgets.cc:282: (s0) Success
gadgets.cc:282: (s0) Success
InAddress.cc:173: inet_pton() can't parse
InAddress.cc:173: inet_pton() can't parse
InAddress.cc:173: inet_pton() can't parse
PolyApp.cc:720: (s0) Success
000.00| Command: /usr/local/polygraph/bin/polysrv --config
/usr/local/polygraph/114-115-800conn.conf --verb_lvl 10 000.00|
        version:            2.8.1
        host_type:          x86_64-pc-unknown-linux-gnuoldld
        verb_lvl:           10
        dump:               err,
        dump_size:          1.000KB
        notify:             <none>
        doorman_listen_at:  <none>
        doorman_send_to:    <none>
        label:              [none]
        fd_limit:           983
        config:             /usr/local/polygraph/114-115-800conn.conf
        console:            -
        log:                [none]
        log_buf_size:       -1Bytes
        store_working_set:  [none]
        load_working_set:   [none]
        sample_log:         [none]
        stats_cycle:        5.00sec
        file_scan:          poll
        priority_sched:     5
        delete_old_addrs:   yes
        idle_tout:          5.00min
        local_rng_seed:     1
        global_rng_seed:    1
        unique_world:       on
        ign_urls:           off
000.00| Server content distributions:
        Server S101:
                content   planned%    likely%     error% mean_sz_bytes
        some-content                   100.00     100.00       0.00
        expected average server-side cachability: 80.00%
        expected average server-side object size: 13326.41Bytes

000.00| Phases:
     phase  pop_beg  pop_end load_beg load_end  rec_beg  rec_end
smsg_beg smsg_end     goal      flags
meas              1.00     1.00     1.00     1.00     1.00     1.00
1.00     1.00  8.00hour

000.00| StatsSamples:
        static stats samples:   0
        dynamic stats samples:  0

gadgets.cc:282: (s0) Success
gadgets.cc:282: (s0) Success
000.00| FDs: 1024 out of 1024 FDs can be used; safeguard limit: 983
000.00| resource usage:
        CPU Usage: 24msec sys + 352msec user = 376msec
        Page faults with physical i/o: 0

000.00| group-id: 1135b675.000e5c52:00000004 pid: 23634 000.00| current
time: 1201078467.916584 or Wed, 23 Jan 2008 08:54:27 GMT 000.00| fyi:
PGL configuration stored (614bytes) 000.00| fyi: no bench selected with
use(); will not attempt to create agent addresses
InAddress.cc:173: inet_pton() can't parse
InAddress.cc:173: inet_pton() can't parse
InAddress.cc:173: inet_pton() can't parse
InAddress.cc:173: inet_pton() can't parse
InAddress.cc:173: inet_pton() can't parse
InAddress.cc:173: inet_pton() can't parse
InAddress.cc:173: inet_pton() can't parse
InAddress.cc:173: inet_pton() can't parse
InAddress.cc:173: inet_pton() can't parse
[fe80::219:b9ff:fee2:1f89%eth1] 000.00| created 0 agents total
/usr/local/polygraph/bin/polysrv: no Server matches local interface
addresses Server addresses:['[fe80::219:b9ff:fee2:1f89%eth1]:80']
local addresses: ['', '', '', '',
'', '[::1]', '[fe80::219:b9ff:fee2:1f89]',
'[fe80::202:c902:21:975d]', '[fe80::202:c902:21:975e]'] 000.00| got 0
xactions and 0 errors 000.00| shutdown reason: fatal error

Best Regards, 

-----Original Message-----
From: Rick Jones [mailto:rick.jones2 at hp.com] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 22, 2008 8:14 PM
To: Albert Ozilov
Cc: users at web-polygraph.org
Subject: Re: I am having problems using an IPV6 address

Albert Ozilov wrote:
> Hi,
> I am using polygraph version 2.8.1, and I am having problems using an
> IPV6 address with the simple.pg workload, does anyone have a clue?
> *Here is the error lines from the server:*
> gadgets.cc:282: (s0) Success
> gadgets.cc:282: (s0) Success
> 000.00| FDs: 1024 out of 1024 FDs can be used; safeguard limit: 983 
> 000.00| resource usage:
>         CPU Usage: 8msec sys + 348msec user = 356msec
>         Page faults with physical i/o: 0
> 000.00| group-id: 1133687c.22106c7c:00000004 pid: 27772 000.00| 
> current
> time: 1200927434.364076 or Mon, 21 Jan 2008 14:57:14 GMT 000.00| fyi: 
> PGL configuration stored (383bytes) 000.00| fyi: no bench selected 
> with use(); will not attempt to create agent addresses
> Server.cc:97: (s22) Invalid argument
> error: the server `S101' cannot listen on [fe80::202:c902:21:4cb9]:80;
> (s22) Invalid argument
> 000.00| got 0 xactions and 0 errors
> 000.00| shutdown reason: fatal error

Is this under Linux?  Linux requires setting the scope/index field of
the sockaddr_in6 structure so it can pick from the possibly more than
one link-local (fe80::) addresses on the system.  The linux
getaddrinfo() and getnameinfo() calls support a syntax for IPv6
addresses which adds an interface name to allow it to find the correct
index to put in the sockaddr_in6 structure:


for example:


otherwise, you need to use something other than link-local IPv6

rick jones

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