How to control authenticated persistent connection

unjc email at
Wed May 18 22:07:04 UTC 2011

Hello there,

I want to know how to control the life-cycle of authenticated
persistent connections.  I set up a workload to send HTTP requests
with credentials to a client side proxy for NTLM authentication.  I
know that NTLM authentication requires persistent connections on the
client side.  I have set "pconn_use_lmt = const(2147483647)" as
suggested on webpolygraph website.  It works perfectly.   However, I
want to exercise the NTLM authentication every X requests - ie.  I do
not want to perform the authentication once and stick on to
authenticated connection(s) for all requests after.  I have tried to
change the "pconn_use_lmt" value to "const(30)"; but I am getting many
"-1" response-time and transaction errors on the robot console (as
like below).  Please advise how I should set up the webpolygraph
workload to archive the authentication test I want to run.

001.36| i-Ramping   6339 111.78     -1  -1.00 559    4
001.44| i-Ramping   6339 103.82     -1  -1.00 519    4
001.52| i-Ramping   6459 114.00     10   0.00 450    4
001.61| i-Ramping   6459 105.38     -1  -1.00 527    4

Robot R = {
	kind = "R101";
	pop_model = {
		pop_distr = popUnif();
	recurrence = 50%;
	req_rate = undef();
	origins = M.names;
	credentials = ["Domain/User[1-10000]:Password12345"];
	addresses = robotAddrs(authAddrScheme, theBench);
	pconn_use_lmt = const(30);
	idle_pconn_tout = 60sec;
	open_conn_lmt = 8;
	http_versions = ["1.0"];

Many thanks,

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