Mix of HTTP and HTTPS traffic

Dmitry Kurochkin dmitry.kurochkin at measurement-factory.com
Mon Oct 22 10:48:07 UTC 2012

Hi Jacky.

unjc email <unjc.email at gmail.com> writes:

> Hi all,
> I am curious to know whether Webpolygraph supports mixed-protocol
> traffic.  I need to plan a performance test using a mixed load (say,
> 90%/10%) of HTTP and HTTPS traffic.  I also want to know the
> throughput and average latency of each type of load.  Does
> webpolygraph support that?  If so, would you please kindly provide an
> example?

Yes, Polygraph supports that.  SSL layer manual [1] describes how to
configure HTTPS servers.  You can create both plain HTTP and HTTPS
servers in required proportion like this:

  addr[] serverAddrs = ...;

  addr[] plainServerAddrs;
  addr[] sslServerAddrs;
  [ plainServerAddrs, sslServerAddrs: 10% ] = serverAddrs;

  robot.origins = serverAddrs;

This way all servers would get even load.  Another option is to
configure Robots to make more requests to HTTP server than HTTPS:

  robot.origins = [ plainServerAddr, sslServerAddr: 10% ];

Polygraph collects protocol-specific stats, they are included in HTML


[1] http://www.web-polygraph.org/docs/reference/models/ssl.html

> Thanks,
> Jacky
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