-1.00 on run-time client-side stats

Alex Rousskov rousskov at measurement-factory.com
Mon Jan 27 21:17:04 UTC 2014

On 01/27/2014 11:49 AM, Erico Augusto Cavalcanti Guedes wrote:
> on [1] there is an explanation for -1.00 values on runtime server-side
> stats. Nevertheless, I can't found the reasons for -1.00 values on
> client-side, as following:
> 928.25| i-FirstRound 14944211 206.01    527  52.43   0  100
> 928.27| i-FirstRound 14944233  22.00     27  59.09   0  100
> 928.29| i-FirstRound 14944233   0.00     -1  -1.00   0  100
> 928.30| i-FirstRound 14944233   0.00     -1  -1.00   0  100
> 928.32| i-FirstRound 14944335 102.01   4832  96.08   0  100
> Please, what are the reasons for -1.00 log on client-side?

No responses were received during those two intervals (response rate
0.00 and the total transaction count stayed at 14944233). In such cases,
Polygraph reports negative response time and hit ratio (any other number
would be misleading).

> Where can I found more informations about that (source-code?) ?

I good place to start is the StatCycle::report() method, which will lead
you to StatIntvlRec::linePrintAll().



> [1] http://www.web-polygraph.org/docs/reference/output/console.html

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