Running multiple SSL servers on same machine

Alberto Klocker alberto.klocker at
Wed Mar 5 04:05:12 UTC 2014


I've been using tasksets as recommended to run multiple instances of the
polygraph-server on a single machine with great results. However when it
comes to using SSL on the servers I seem to be hitting a wall.

Some of my server processes with SSL peak at 100% CPU usage under high load
tests. If I use tasksets to spread out across cores I find I start getting
errors because when starting up they create the .pem files in /tmp/ with
the same names.

ie all servers create files in /tmp
 poly-6401b68e-serverkey.pem etc

Initially they all used the same myssl.conf file from your example in the
docs. I tried placing these in different directories with different
configurations but the files seem to always have the same name. Any
thoughts on how I can get multiple SSL servers running on one machine?

*Alberto Klocker* | Software Developer |
*D: *+61 3 9895 8006 | *T*: +61 3 9898 8000 | @AlbertoKlocker
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