Dynamic Domain Names

unjc email unjc.email at gmail.com
Mon May 14 21:59:59 UTC 2012

Hello there,

I have encountered a problem to use dynamic domain names in workload.
I have followed the insturction on
http://www.web-polygraph.org/docs/userman/dns.html to create the
dynamic names.  But I got a fatal error that the dynamic name is not
found in the address maps.  Would you please advise what I have

DynamicName DN = dynamicName('*.foo.com:9090', 10%);

AddrMap NN = {
     names = [ DN ];
     addresses = [', '' ]; // IP
addresses of server-side hosts

Server S = {
    contents = [ SimpleContent ];
    direct_access = contents;
    addresses = [', '' ];   // where to
create these server agents
    http_versions = [ "1.0" ];  // newer agents use HTTP/1.1 by default

Robot R = {
    recurrence = 50%;
    req_rate = undef();
    origins = NN.names;
    addresses = robotAddrs(authAddrScheme, theBench);
    pconn_use_lmt = const(2147483647); // Persistent connections -
should tune this value
    idle_pconn_tout = idleConnectionTimeout;
    open_conn_lmt = maxConnPerRobot; // maximum concurrent connections
    http_versions = [ "1.0" ];  // newer agents use HTTP/1.1 by default

000.32| registered client-side session watches: 0
000.32| registered client-side data filters: 0
000.32| fyi: PGL configuration stored (107574bytes)
000.32| found 276 Robot IP address(es) total (276 unique address(es)
with interface name and netmask).
000.32| fyi: lo: deleted 0 old IP aliases
000.32| fyi: created 138 agent addresses total
CltCfg.cc:284: visible server name .foo.com:9090 is not found in address maps
000.32| got 0 xactions and 0 errors
000.32| shutdown reason: fatal error


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