questions about report and poly-server

Chengyu Fan at
Wed Nov 16 21:36:21 UTC 2011

Thanks. You help me a lot!

On Wed, Nov 16, 2011 at 9:05 AM, Dmitry Kurochkin <
dmitry.kurochkin at> wrote:

> Hello.
> On Tue, 15 Nov 2011 16:55:35 -0700, Chengyu Fan < at>
> wrote:
> > Hi~
> > When I try the test, I use in the workloads.And I use the
> log
> > files to generate the report.
> > But I find that some phrase don't have the all the data.
> > For example, I generate report just for phrase "meas",
> You run the reporter with "--phase meas" parameter, right?
> > but in the hit
> > ratios, I can only find "offered DHR" in the graph, No "measured DHR".
> What about the table above the graphs on the "hit ratios" page?  Does it
> have 0 for measured DHR?  Or does it match the offered DHR?  Do BHR
> graphs look good?
> Sometime you do not see the line on a graph because it is covered by
> another line or is 0.
> Note that if you are running without proxy, the measured DHR is 0.
> FWIW I have run the downtime-2 workload with a Squid proxy and I see
> both measured and offered DHR on the graphs.
> > Also, I have "first byte read" in "client byte latency histogram", but no
> > "last byte written".
> That is ok.  It means that Robots send requests without delays
> i.e. basically at the same moment a transaction is started.  Note that
> there is a table with aggregated byte latency stats above the graphs on
> the response times page.  You should have all zeros in Last request byte
> written cells (except for Max, perhaps).
> > Is this normal?
> >
> In general it is ok that some stats or graphs are missing.  Some
> workloads may not generate particular types of traffic so some stats are
> missing.  Also, some stats are collected on server- or client-side
> only (e.g. hit ratios are collected on client-side).  So if a report is
> generated using logs from only one side, corresponding stats would be
> missing.
> Of course, it does not mean there can not be bugs related to report
> generation or stats recording.  So please let us know if you find
> anything suspicious.
> > Another question is I find when the client finished all the phases, it
> will
> > quit automatically. But why Server is still running?
> A workload may use multiple polygraph-server and polygraph-client
> processes.  Some of these processes may be "faster" than other.  Because
> of that, there may still be clients running (and sending requests) even
> after a server finishes the last phase.  So if the server quits, those
> clients would start getting errors when sending requests to this
> server.  This is why all servers have implicit "cold" phase at the end.
> > Can I stop it using
> > some options?
> >
> If you know that all clients have finished, you can stop the server
> (e.g. with a keyboard interrupt).  Otherwise, it would quit on idle
> timeout.  Idle timeout is 5min on server-side by default and can be
> changed with --idle_tout option.
> > If I missed something apparently, I apologize first.
> >
> I hope the above helps.  If you still have troubles understanding why
> some stats are missing, please consider sending your binary logs and/or
> HTML report (you can send it in private if you prefer).  And note which
> version of Web Polygraph you are using.
> Regards,
>  Dmitry
> > Thanks.
> >
> > --
> > Regards,
> > Chengyu Fan
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Chengyu Fan
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